Rennes 2 University
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Two New Guest Professors Arrive at Rennes 2 as Part of the Chair of the Americas Program


In coordination with the Institut des Amériques Rennes (IDA-Rennes), Rennes 2 is pleased to welcome Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilán, an anthropologist specializing in museum studies and heritage, and Julia Soul, an anthropologist and researcher focusing on labor relations and union mobilization. 

Chaire Amer.
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Throughout February and early March, Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilán and Julia Soul will offer a series of lectures, workshops, and discussions covering key themes in anthropology, cultural heritage, labor studies, and social movements in Latin America. 

Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilán – Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)

Professor Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilán will be hosted by the ERIMIT research center from 1 February  to 30 February.

An anthropologist by training, Professor Reyes holds a Master’s degree in history from the National University of Colombia and a Ph.D. in Advanced American Studies from the Free University of Berlin. She has served as a research consultant on heritage issues for several universities and public institutions in Colombia. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia), where she co-directs the research group Anthropology and History of Anthropology in Latin America (UNAL-UdeA).

Her research focuses on Latin American anthropology, museum practices, and provenance studies of collections. Recently, she has explored post-colonial debates in museum spaces, particularly in the context of repatriation and reclamation processes, and emerging forms of citizenship.

Professor Aura Lisette Reyes Gavilán will present a series of lectures examining the construction of cultural heritage, Amazonian pre-Hispanic societies, and the evolution of anthropology in Colombia. Her talks will also explore the role of photography in anthropological research and the politics of materiality and repatriation, including the return of sacred artifacts to Indigenous communities. These lectures will be held in Spanish.

To learn more about her talks, please contact: Andrés Castro Roldán: andres.castro-roldan [at] (andres[dot]castro-roldan[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).

Julia Soul – CONICET (Argentina)

Dr. Julia Soul will be hosted by the ARENES research center from 1 February  to 1 March.

A researcher at CONICET (Argentina) and a member of the Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL, Buenos Aires), Julia Soul holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the National University of Rosario. Her work examines working-class dynamics, labor relations, and union mobilizations in Latin America within the neoliberal context.

For several years, she has studied the links between precarity, internal differentiation within the working class (in terms of gender, ethnic-racial origin, etc.), and union strategies and actions. Her visit will provide an opportunity for dialogue with ARENES researchers specializing in transnational collective mobilizations and labor conflicts.

As part of her visit, Dr. Julia Soul will be co-hosting a workshop on February 11, with Pierre Rouxel, titled:
“Multinational Corporations, Production Regimes, and Labor Conflicts in Latin America.”
This event will bring together French, European, and Latin American experts on trade unions and labor studies and is open to all interested participants.

Additionally, she will deliver a conference on March 3 for students in the Master’s program “Les Amériques”, focusing on social movements and the role of trade unions amid the rise of right-wing governments in Latin America. 

To learn more about her workshop and talks, please contact: Pierre Rouxel: pierre.rouxel [at] (pierre[dot]rouxel[at]univ-rennes2[dot]fr).



We look forward to the contributions of both guest professors to our academic community!

